Forged in the fires of high performance engines, Fel-Pro Performance head gaskets are quite literally created to tame the fiery combustion chambers of up to 1,000 hp engines. Reinforced with KEVLAR® fiber and engineered to give you a perfect seal that can withstand combustion pressures of 1,500 to 3,000 psi, these gaskets are bred for high performance. They have a conformable anti-stick coating—and are constructed with pre-flattened copper or steel rings for easy installation, while also giving them the strength to tame your beastly powerplant. The anti-stick coating ensures easy removal and cleanup on frequent rebuilds, but also aids in micro-sealing minor surface irregularities. When rebuilding your engine, use the parts you wish were in it to begin with. Put a set of Fel-Pro Performance head gaskets in that engine—not only to help it perform better today, but to make your next engine project that much easier.

Cylinder Head Gasket Dimensions

Material Steel Core Laminate

Thickness (IN) 0.041

Grade Type Performance

Gasket Sealant Included No

Engine Displacement 262, 265, 267, 283, 302, 305, 307, 327, 350, 400, 400 Race

Combustion Chamber Volume (Cc) 9.10

Application Notes Cast Iron Or Aluminum Heads

Product Notes Can Be Used On 400 Race Engs.; Up To 4.155" Max. Bore W/Minimal Chamfer; Can Be Used On Aluminum Blocks W/Liners; Minimal Brinelling Of Aluminum Heads

Engine Family Chevrolet V8 Small Block

Mfg. GM Performance

Bore Size (In.) (IN) 4.166

Combustion Seal Design Pre-Flattened Steel Wire

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