An unbeatable combination of strength, rigidity and valuefor money. With more aggressive cam profiles and heaviervalve springs now common in street and race applications thelimitations of extruded alloy as a rocker material are clearlyevident. The flex alloy rockers exhibit reduces valve lift andhorsepower potential and the stresses can lead to arm failureCrow Cams new stainless steel stud type roller rockersoffer virtually zero arm deflection for maximum valve lift andunrivalled resistance to arm breakage. The oversize rocker shafts allow for 7/16 studs to be used without comprising shaft strength. The larger shafts and needle roller bearings also offer greater load capacity for highvalve springs pressures.Every set come complete with poly locks for added valueand simple, secure valve lash adjustments.These are stud mount rockers so heads will requiremachining to fit studs and guide plates.

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